Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's been up with the Burleys (the Australian contingent)?

Ah, well my computer crashed last night as I uploaded a really long blog about what's been happening in our lives, so that's a shame. I'll do my best to re-create that today.

Job news:

I'm applying for this job which is currently making global headlines. That would be pretty cool. However, in the slighly unlikely chance that I don't get (they are expecting about 10,000 applicants) I haven't put all my eggs in one basket.

I have an offer to teach dance classes at a new studio that is opening. I know what you're thinking- um, are you even qualified to teach dance? Here's what I've learned in the past few weeks by going to some yoga and dance classes. Most people are qualified, if you've had years of dance. It's really not that hard, and as long as I teach beginner classes that are not very technical, no accredidation necessary. I've been to a few here and thought, this if nice, but I can do better. So, starting when we get back from holiday I'll hopefully be teaching some classes.

I have a couple more job possibilities on the line too, so depending on whether I get a full-time job at an ad agency, or a part-time thing somewhere else, I'll be happy and busy for the next 8 months.

Last week it was so hot one evening that we went down to the beach on Tuesday night and went for a swim (with everyone else in Melbourne). There is so much coast though that there was plenty of room. It's cooled off a bit now, but temps are going to soar next Monday, which means we'll be in the water after a picnic dinner.

Melbourne really knows how to do summer, and we can't wait to start in on all the activities on offer here. We really want to make the most of it, it has the potential to be one of the best ever. We're also going to learn how to sail, buy a little boat, and explore the southern oceans (or bay, or lake, depending on how good we get). We hopefully start lesons when we're back from DC and St. Croix in mid-Feb. So, that's life as up to now!

Hope you're all well, and see some of you very soon in Maryland! Btw- the financial crisis sucks, yes, but I hear there's lots of good shopping deals! Rob and I are going to be all over that. Oh, and in global politics news, we are getting up at 3:30 am on Thursday to watch the inauguration live. We can't wait, we think it will be a historic moment. Yeah Obama! He has a lot to do now, but not such big shoes to fill.

Lots of love,

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Hey Sandra! Sounds great! You know, you're the inspiration for me to occasionally update my blog - you're so GOOD at it. And I love hearing what you're up to... I hope you keep it up even when you're in the States, because being close to some doesn't mean you're nearby to everyone! I hope I'll see you sometime soon... somewhere in the world!
xxx Krissy

A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
