Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunny Days Are Here Again

So far 2009 has been really good, as was this past weekend.

On Saturday we had planned a trip down the coast to the beach to recapture the fun that we had in Sydney body boarding in the waves. Well, you know how it is, you wake up late, think about doing something, and then the whole day has suddenly passed by. Nicely however. We spent a really relaxing Saturday just enjoying our apartment, and then heading out for classic date night dinner and a movie. We saw Marley and Me which was really good. Exactly, exactly like the book. Even if you're not a dog person I think this movie might trigger a laugh and a tear.

Sunday we decided that no matter what we'd get up and out and hit those waves. So, we got up, brushed our teeth, jumped into clothes, and pulled back the shades. Ah, no sun. Overcast and cloudy. Not really what we imagined for a day on the beach. So, we had a leisurely breakfast, Rob attempted to beat what looks like a really hard game on thw Wii (and I say looks hard because fun is not the right word, it involves a lot of yelling and swearing on his part, although I have to believe he's really enjoying it). After he could take the frustration of the game beating him for no longer (he will get there though, and I think it might even warrant a bottle of champagne, this game has been an ongoing menace in his life), we looked out the window and wow, sun! So we sunscreened up, hopped in the car, and drove about an hour anf a half down the coast. We bought some body boards (note: Do not call them boogie boards, Australian people will laugh at you), and a long sleeve wetsuit type thing (called a rash vest) for me to keep my skin from turning all shades of the rainbow.

We had an amazing time in the surf. These waves were HUGE! I couldn't even get close to some of them because they were so big they felt like tidal waves (I exaggerate, but really, they were big). So I caught them just after they broke and surfed into shore (on my belly, because this isn't actual surfing), and grinned the whole way. Actually, every time I caught a wave and rode it into shore I grinned so much that I swallowed vast amounts of salt water. All worth it though, it was like a mini- holiday. We had such a great day, and came back feeling like we'd been away for a week.

Now I'm waiting on a potential work call, but don't get too excited, because it's 9:30 am and it hasn't come yet. But I'll keep you posted, and you keep your fingers crossed.


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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
