Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's been up with the Burleys (the Australian contingent)?

Ah, well my computer crashed last night as I uploaded a really long blog about what's been happening in our lives, so that's a shame. I'll do my best to re-create that today.

Job news:

I'm applying for this job which is currently making global headlines. That would be pretty cool. However, in the slighly unlikely chance that I don't get (they are expecting about 10,000 applicants) I haven't put all my eggs in one basket.

I have an offer to teach dance classes at a new studio that is opening. I know what you're thinking- um, are you even qualified to teach dance? Here's what I've learned in the past few weeks by going to some yoga and dance classes. Most people are qualified, if you've had years of dance. It's really not that hard, and as long as I teach beginner classes that are not very technical, no accredidation necessary. I've been to a few here and thought, this if nice, but I can do better. So, starting when we get back from holiday I'll hopefully be teaching some classes.

I have a couple more job possibilities on the line too, so depending on whether I get a full-time job at an ad agency, or a part-time thing somewhere else, I'll be happy and busy for the next 8 months.

Last week it was so hot one evening that we went down to the beach on Tuesday night and went for a swim (with everyone else in Melbourne). There is so much coast though that there was plenty of room. It's cooled off a bit now, but temps are going to soar next Monday, which means we'll be in the water after a picnic dinner.

Melbourne really knows how to do summer, and we can't wait to start in on all the activities on offer here. We really want to make the most of it, it has the potential to be one of the best ever. We're also going to learn how to sail, buy a little boat, and explore the southern oceans (or bay, or lake, depending on how good we get). We hopefully start lesons when we're back from DC and St. Croix in mid-Feb. So, that's life as up to now!

Hope you're all well, and see some of you very soon in Maryland! Btw- the financial crisis sucks, yes, but I hear there's lots of good shopping deals! Rob and I are going to be all over that. Oh, and in global politics news, we are getting up at 3:30 am on Thursday to watch the inauguration live. We can't wait, we think it will be a historic moment. Yeah Obama! He has a lot to do now, but not such big shoes to fill.

Lots of love,

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Article Out

Check out my article in Global Woman Magazine

This one is a short review of a film, The Women.

Next month: Women Visionary Leaders: Mission to Save the World

Sunny Days Are Here Again

So far 2009 has been really good, as was this past weekend.

On Saturday we had planned a trip down the coast to the beach to recapture the fun that we had in Sydney body boarding in the waves. Well, you know how it is, you wake up late, think about doing something, and then the whole day has suddenly passed by. Nicely however. We spent a really relaxing Saturday just enjoying our apartment, and then heading out for classic date night dinner and a movie. We saw Marley and Me which was really good. Exactly, exactly like the book. Even if you're not a dog person I think this movie might trigger a laugh and a tear.

Sunday we decided that no matter what we'd get up and out and hit those waves. So, we got up, brushed our teeth, jumped into clothes, and pulled back the shades. Ah, no sun. Overcast and cloudy. Not really what we imagined for a day on the beach. So, we had a leisurely breakfast, Rob attempted to beat what looks like a really hard game on thw Wii (and I say looks hard because fun is not the right word, it involves a lot of yelling and swearing on his part, although I have to believe he's really enjoying it). After he could take the frustration of the game beating him for no longer (he will get there though, and I think it might even warrant a bottle of champagne, this game has been an ongoing menace in his life), we looked out the window and wow, sun! So we sunscreened up, hopped in the car, and drove about an hour anf a half down the coast. We bought some body boards (note: Do not call them boogie boards, Australian people will laugh at you), and a long sleeve wetsuit type thing (called a rash vest) for me to keep my skin from turning all shades of the rainbow.

We had an amazing time in the surf. These waves were HUGE! I couldn't even get close to some of them because they were so big they felt like tidal waves (I exaggerate, but really, they were big). So I caught them just after they broke and surfed into shore (on my belly, because this isn't actual surfing), and grinned the whole way. Actually, every time I caught a wave and rode it into shore I grinned so much that I swallowed vast amounts of salt water. All worth it though, it was like a mini- holiday. We had such a great day, and came back feeling like we'd been away for a week.

Now I'm waiting on a potential work call, but don't get too excited, because it's 9:30 am and it hasn't come yet. But I'll keep you posted, and you keep your fingers crossed.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Catch a Wave and You're Sitting on Top Of the World

Our photos are now updated, so just link on the link above to see what we've been up to.

Our New Zealand trip was great. We spent 9 days on the South Island driving around and seeing beautiful things. We hiked up a glacier wearing crampons on our feet, which was incredible. The ice was so white it was blue. We did some adventure sports in Queenstown, which you'll see in the photos. Jet boating was fantastic (pictures to come soon), while canyon swinging was terrifying and incredibly satisfying to have down. We really loved this country, and the natural beauty of it, the people, and the laid back state of mind that awaits you upon arrival makes it such a nice place to holiday. Or live. If we were both best-selling authors we would probably buy a house there and spend three months a year writing there. It's a place that inspires.

For New Year's we went to a great party downtown that one of our friends threw, and watched the fireworks at midnight. They're no Sydney fireworks, but they were pretty special. We had the most incredible view, and it was such a glam evening. Seeing the city so alive and throbbing was amazing too. There were half a million people downtown (supposedly). It took us 45 minutes to walk three blocks along the river, it was really something. I don't think either of us have been "out" on NYE, so that was nice to go be in the middle things.

This past weekend we went to Sydney. What a city. We stayed with friends of ours and spent half our time on the beach, half in the city. They live 2 minutes from a great beach, so we spent a good deal of time body boarding. It was the most fun we've had. It's like yoga. Yoga is supposed to be something that is relaxing because it makes you focus on only that, which I never actually find with yoga. Well, sometimes. This however does just that. You are so focused on catching your next wave, jumping the ones in between, and riding one back to shore when you do, that you are really in the moment. It is such fun, and we now know how we'll be spending most of our weekends here. Tonight we're actually goign to drive along the coast here in Melbourne to see what spots are best here. This is definitely the way to experience Australia.

We saw old friends and my cousins while in Sydney, meeting for meals and drinks overlooking the opera house. It's as impressive and interesting architecturally in person as it is in pictures. Although, slightly smaller than you'd think because in real life it is next to an ENORMOUS bridge that dwarfs it a little. It's really lovely, and the city is just built around beautiful views and waterways.

Hope 2009 is going so well for everyone.

Sandra and Rob

A Side Note

Usually I wouldn't promote anything on a blog that you probably read to see what Rob and I are up to, but just wanted to flag this to anyone who is interested.

Around the holiday season Rob and I try to donate to a few charities, and I think this one is a particularly worthy one if you are ever looking for something good to donate to.

It's called Somaly Mam, and the stories behind it and what they are doing is so good, and thank goodness people are trying to stop atrocities like this around the world.

This is an article describing what they do and why. It's pretty graphic, I'm sorry to say, but I think worth reading because it's important to know what's going on underground, so that we can help out in whatever way we can. There are countless worthy things to help out with, but sex trafficking is very close to my heart, I think it is just truly atrocious, and I care very much about helping to end.

Here is their website

Stay tuned for a regular update soon :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 and Feelin Fine

Well, Happy New Year everyone. I hope that you all had great NYE's, and that once and for all aren't making resolutions that we won't keep. That's my New Year's resolution actually. Just to enjoy life and stop making promises to myself that don't have to be so tied in with dates. Too much pressure. So 2009 is about enjoying life, accomplishing some big things, and smelling the roses.

We had an amazing time in New Zealand over Christmas. If you look at our updated Picassa site you can see the pictures. Stories to follow in another post.

New Year's Eve was spent at a very swanky party here in Melbourne, and was really lovely. New Year's day consisted of watching most of the Bourne trilogy movies, followed by playing some Wii and a very quick workout. And a walk actually, so a good balance of coziness and exercise.

Today we are off to Sydney for the weekend to see some friends of ours and finally see this amazing city. We've seen it from the air, and it looks stunning. I'm sure there will be more pictures to follow this weekend.

Have a great one, and a happy, healthy, and beautiful 2009.

Sandra and Rob

A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
