Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Magic and Memories

Last night we went to hear the band Coldplay in concert here in Melbourne. It was a really special evening, great music, which we heard with our great friends Ryan and Lindsey. This band is so talented, and they put on such a great show.

They have this one song, called Yellow, that has been banned from our house for the past two years, because it makes me really sad. When my Grandpa Roy was very, very sick at the end of his life, Rob and I were in a phase of listening to Coldplay, because it comforted me. The song Yellow for some reason reminded me of me grandpa, and I wished there was a way that I could have him hear it, I thought it would be comforting to him too at that time. But I didn't make it over there in his last few days, he died a few days before I was due to fly out, and after that I can't listen to that song without crying, because it reminds me so much of him at that time, and how much I love him. It also makes me really regret not flying a few days earlier, it would have made all the difference. So, I haven't been able to listen to that song since he died.

However, they played it last night, and I knew it was probably coming. It was so beautiful. As soon as it started I teared up, and then these incredible big yellow balloons filled with yellow confetti starting bouncing around the room. There were tons of them, enormous, and they would float across the crowd, and people would bounce them across the arena, and when they popped they showered this yellow confetti all over the crowd. It was so magical, and these yellow balloons made me think of my grandfather, and that he was there in that. I really felt like he was there. And it was this beautiful reminder of him, and even though I couldn't stop from crying, I also smiled because it was like my own celebration of him and the person he was.

To see a video of this (which was taken at the concert the night before we went) click on thi YouTube link below. You'll want to start the video two minutes into it, the first part of it is Chris Martin talking, then they get to the song. This version is definitely not as good as the one on our night, and also you can't really hear it that well because the person is recording it with their digital camera and you can mostly hear them, not the band, but you get the picture. We were standing down in the crowd on the floor, so all of the balloons were right above us, and all we could see was yellow and these balloons. It was really moving, and the version they did with our crowd was really emotional, while this one is less so. But enjoy, it was really nice.


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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
