Monday, March 9, 2009

In Like a Lion

Today starts the beginning of visitor season! Well, tomorrow actually. The Burleys (Rob's mom and dad) arrive tomorrow evening. Ioana and her boyfriend are here for a month too, they've rented an apt nearby. I think they're probably landing as I type, and I'm guessing are seriously jet lagged. Then Mark, my mom and Randy, my dad and Heather, Sarosh and Anushka, and then later in the year, Todd. I am going to go stock up on some Australian treats for all our visitors to try.

We had an incredibly fun weekend. Went to the Belgian Beer Garden on Friday night with some new friends, and made some new friends while we were there. It started out as a quiet drink, and turned into a really long, fun evening. Then on Saturday we went to the zoo to hear a U2 Tribute Band. The lead singer attempted to look like Bono (brown ear length hair, sunglasses), but didn't really manage it, or sounding like him. The back up band was great though. We had fun seeing the lions while they played (we didn't manage to see the rest of the zoo). The lions were incredible. It was dusk so they were roaring and running around. I would love to see them in their natural habitat on a safari some day. (Don't worry mom, I'll be safe :))

We had the day off on Monday, so we just hung around Melbourne and went for some walks and did some shopping. We played Wii Rock Band, a present from my brother, which is turning out to be the most fun game ever. I actually have blisters from playing the drums so much.

I've had some job ideas, so am going to try to make them work. I'll keep you posted if anything happens from that. It's not easy, and moving around a lot doesn't help. It seems strange to network and job hunt now, we only have 6 more months here. So I'm going to do the best things I an do with this time. I have a good idea, so hopefully I can make it happen.

Rob has managed to takl me into doing a mini triathlon in 3 weeks, so I've roped Mark in, and we're all going to do it together. I've never really swam freestyle in the ocean for more than 3 strokes, so it will be a new thing, and hopefully pretty cool.

Oh, I didn't get the Island Reef job. I was in the most popular videos for a long time, but then they shortlisted a few people, and sadly I wasn't one of them. Oh well, I tried, and I'm glad I did. That's okay, I mea, who wants to go live for free on a tropical island and get paid $150,000 to try out hotels and swim in the ocean, and feed the fish? Not me, that sounds horrible :) Lucky person who gets to do it.

We decided last night that the best option for us is to win the lottery, so that we can do what we want to do, where we want to do it. With family and friends all over the world, but mainly in the US and UK, we need a lot of money to go back and forth and see everyone often, so we came across the brilliant plan of winning the lottery. Perhaps you've thought of this yourself? Anyways, we also came up with the genius realization that we probably won't win unless we play. So, I'm buying a ticket today.

Wish me luck, and good luck to you,

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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
