Monday, December 1, 2008

Winter is here, but not here!

Ah, it's you again. Welcome back.

It's winter for most of you, but here in the land of Oz it's so summery I can't envision drinking anything but lemonade. It's hard to believe that it's the holiday season when the first thing we do is come home and turn the AC on. However, that doesn't stop the Aussies from portraying the holiday season with snow-covered santas in the store windows, and dreaming of Christmases in white. We actually miss the cold, although when it was a little chilly over the weekend we were pretty happy not to be heading into a traditional winter. Still, we miss wrapping up in sweaters and scarves and the coziness that this time of year brings. Or maybe we miss complaing about the weather. Either way, we'll appreciate cold winters when we have them again. For now though, we'll bask in the summer heat and really enjoy it, because we know once January hits we'll be gloating (in the nicest way possible of course, you can gloat this month though).

So, what have we been up to the last few weeks? Rob-work. Sandra- searching for work. That pretty much sums it up. We've also been having some fun though, we're fun people. We went up to the Gold Coast, which is beachy, flashy, and fun. This past weekend Rob took me away for a pretty fantastic birthday weekend to the Yarra Valley. It started with a trip to Prahan Market, a foodie's fantasy. We stocked up on fresh french bread and cheese. Then we went off to the zoo, to see koalas, wallabies, kangaroos, and other Aussie specialties. Went out for a beautiful dinner, red wine and porterhouse steaks for two. The next day I got spoiled with spa treatments, then we went to a winery for some tasting and another picnic (cheese and bread again, we would eat it everyday if we had the metabolism of teenage boys).

So now I'm 27. It may sound young, but I'm officially now in my late-twenties. It goes fast, as I'm starting to really appreciate. Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday so special with cards, gifts, emails, and phone calls.

And Happy belated Thanksgiving to the USofAers. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and that you have a lot to be thankful for. I do.


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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
