Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to be a Good Australian

I'm feeling pretty proud today. A small accomplishment in the scheme of things, but still a shining moment. I have learned to drive on the left side of the road. Comfortably. And Rob even felt safe enough to close his eyes and have a little snooze. Yes, I am multi-conducir (to drive in Latin, although that doesn't really make much sense does it. You know what I mean anyhow). So, that's good.

We had a fantastic road trip this weekend. Pictures to come, and maybe Rob will even post on that adventure. Australia is a huge, amazing country. Pretty too.

We saw a Wallaby (which looks like a smaller, darker, kangaroo). We were consumed with seeing Australian animals on this drive, so it's so nice that we saw one. I also saw a kangaroo, but I don't think it counts, as it was sadly laying still by the roadside. They are prolific here, like deer, and people hunt them sometimes, which is apparently legal. No koalas yet, which is a big goal of ours. Are they not the cutest things? Would like to see one in the wild, but might resort to an open range zoo just to take a closer look.

We're adapting to Aussie culture pretty well I think, although after the Netherlands any English speaking country is a peice of cake. However, there are a few things I haven't quite picked up on yet.

Reasons I have been told I am a bad Australian:

1) I only own one pair of thongs (refer to previous post if this sounds scandalous)

2) Although I will maneoever a huge steel object around at 60+ mph (our car) I am afraid to try Vegemite

3) I laugh at words like "bonza." I mean, doesn't that sound like a sound that comes from a comic book when someone lands a punch to an evil villain?

I am sure I will adjust.

In the meantime, I am celebrating an Obama victory and a world of hope. I'm sure there is much more clever commentary out there than I can write here, but I will just say that this is a new beginning to a new world I think, and I am really looking forward to this change.

Here's hoping,

Sandra and Rob

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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
