Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thongs, etc

Well, it's been a good week, but a tough one. I had an unexplained case of food poisoning that is never much fun. Rob took good care of me though. On the plus side, I got my absentee ballot in the mail, and another vote for Obama is on its way. I will take it to the US Consulate here in Melbourne today, where they speedily express it to the U.S. Very convenient.

Rob is working really hard, and has lots of different things going on at work. He's learning a lot about what is going on with the national economy, environment, and government, and no doubt contributing a lot too. I have been writing endless follow-up thank you letters and seeing who wants to interview me next. But it's not all work and no play for the Burleys! Tonight we start the first in a series of beginner golf lessons. Now, I happen to think that golf is a pretty boring sport (and I really apologize to all those who love, I'm sure it can be great). I probably think it's boring because I'm so bad at it. I tend to like things I excel at :) However, we decided what the hey, there's a gold course across the street, people seem to love it, let's give it a try. So, don't expect any national championships from either of us, but we'll at least learn which end of the club to hold. Only kidding, it's the one with the rounded bit of course.

Actually, I'm not being fair. Rob knows how to play and is pretty decent already. I have no interest and talent, and therefore have far more to learn with this sport. Perhaps tonight I will uncover a long-hidden gift and surprise the world!

This weekend we are driving The Great Ocean Road, one of the best drives in the world apparently. Ferries to Tasmania were all booked, so we are saving that for another time. It's always chilly there, so we may as well go when the B & B's deem it cold enough to have fires going, and make it a cozy holiday.

On an Australian note, I have had another reason added to the list of why I am a bad Australian (mentioned to me by a born and bred Aussie). Apparently, I do not own enough thongs, as I only have one pair. Now, don't get all het up over this disclosure! This is lesson number two. Thongs are not what we in the U.S., England, or other countries might think of them as. They go no farther up your body than your feet. Thongs are flip-flops, an important thing to know here. So, when my friend this weekend said she liked my thongs and asked where I got them, I could have spared us all some embarassment had I known that she was referring to the choice of my footwear. A good thing to know indeed.

Over and Out,

Sandra and Rob

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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
