Thursday, October 23, 2008

Musings on a Culture

What a multicultural city. Today I went for a walk on my lunch hour (which is whatever hour I deem that to be as I have yet to find formal employment). I walked around a big lake near our apartment, and I swear it could have been an ad for the UN. Or maybe Mastercard, or even more likely HSBC which loves to portray itself as truly global. Anyway, I digress. I saw an Asian woman doing Tai Chi, a be-suited Muslim man praying to Mecca, and passed the Australia-Egypt-Israel Peace Grove. I thought all that was pretty cool. I added to the intercultural mix of course by being a foreigner myself.

It's very interesting reading the history of Australia's immigration, which is relevant to every single person living here, even the aboriginal people who it is said had to come from somewhere else. Apparently Australia wasn't part of Pangea (according to Bill Bryson, who by the way wrote a fantastic book on Australia). There are so many people from all over, even though in some ways it feels like a very homogenous society. We'll see what our thoughts are as we really get to know it. In Holland, which at first glance feels very homogenous, after a while one realizes the vast immigration that happened 10 years ago, and the problems the country has had with people acclimating to Dutch culture.

On more personal news, it's the weekend in a few hours and we are really looking forward to it. It's been a busy week for both of us. Rob has been working incredibly hard, and I've been begging people to give me a job. Not begging, that's the wrong word. Interviewing. Are they different? So we are ready for the weekend. It's supposed to be hot, hot, hot so I dare say we'll end up at the beach one way or the other.

Have a great one

Sandra and Rob, from one day in the future

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A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
