Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Brief but Good Summary

Well, I think it's been about 7 weeks since my last update, so it's about time.

Life is good. I am doing a few things work-wise. The first and best is working at Lululemon, a yoga-inspired athletic wear company. They make amazing clothes and have this incredible philosphy of health and wellness. The people are fantastic, and I really enjoy being at work. Check them our at . You should go to their goals page and set some goals for yourself, it's really motivating.

The second thing I'm doing is teaching dance classes/ helping to open a dance studio. It's going okay. My first few classes were tiny disasters. Nothing major, but pretty much no one came to the first one, and the second two people I kind of know came, and it didn't go very well. It was allright, but not what I had hoped it would be. That comes down to me not being very prepared to teach, and needing to work on my teaching style. So, I will, and hopefully it will be great soon. I think I tried to pack too much into a class, and it didn't leave me enough time to actually anything. So, I am re-doing my lesson plan, and trying again on Wednesday. I've also decided to only teach one class a week until I feel that they are going well. I am however hiring new teachers this week, so hopefully they can teach great classes while I learn how to do so. It's fun being a part of all this though.

I also published an article in the new edition of Global Woman Magazine. It was a feature story entitled "Visionary Women: Mission to Save the World." Apparently you can pick up a copy of the magazine in every 7-11 or Hudson News in the U.S. and Canada, but my mom can't seem to find any in the 7-11's in MD, so if you find one let me know. It will be the first edition of the magazine (that's what it will say on the cover) because they have a whole new look. Next issue I should have this fashion story coming out, which is pretty cool.

Rob and I bought skateboards, long boards actually, and are zipping (slowly) around town on them. We love it, it's a really fun means of transportation. We're also getting into yoga in a bigger way than before, partly because of lululemon inspiration.

That's a wrap for tonight. Going to watch Babel, which seems like an intense but good movie. Happy Mother's Day mom!


A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
