Monday, February 16, 2009

This Week in Melbourne

Yesterday I tried to volunteer for the Victoria Bushfire Appeal manning the telephone lines to take donations, but they closed Saturday at midnight. That's good, because it means they probably have raised enough money by now. Australians have raised millions to help the victims and to re-build the damages, and the firefighters are projected to be able to fight more of the fires down this week, due to better weather (which I think means less hot and less wind). Although, we do have a smoke prediction forecast for Melbourne today, which if it's anything like Saturday means the city will be choked with smoke. Hopefully this passes soon.

This weekend we flew up to Canberra to entertain some government clients of Shell's at the symphony. It was a really beautiful concert, and the conductor was hilarious, which made the music very accessible for everyone. He really explained each peice before he played it, which was so cool. For instance, in one he said "this peice starts out at the river, you'll be able to hear the water. Then it takes you to a wedding, and you can hear the celebration. Then it continues down the river, and finds some animals. Then it travels down the river again, and night falls. Then we will take you back to morning, and end along the river." Isn't that beautiful? And you really could hear it in the music.

Today I'm doing some mock interviews for Accenture, which is training for their managers, but they are paying me to do so, so that's good.

I'm covering L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Week next month for Global Woman, and hopefully a few other outlets. I have press passes, and am doing pre-interviews with some of the leading women in each field globally. CEOs of H &M, L'Oreal, Saatchi & Saatchi, it should be great. I seem to have gotten myself into something big, so hopefully I can do something big with it. I'm also bringing along a friend to act as my photographer, so that will make it a lot of fun. I can't wait, it's Australia Fashion week essentially, so we get to go to the runway shows and all sorts of really cool events. The coolest are actually the business ones with interesting talks from these global CEOs about how we can still be effective in our fields in this financial crisis.

xx Sandra

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hello. I hope everyone is great. We've had a really full last month, and it's been busy and wonderful.

We just got back from a 2 week holiday. We spent one week in Maryland visiting family and friends, and then flew to St. Croix for another family holiday and my dad and Heather's wedding. It was such a great two weeks. I've updated our photos on our attached Picassa site.

At the moment I am doing a few things. One is writing, for Global Woman magazine, my book, a movie script (we'll see), and some other things. L'Oreal is going to give me some press passes to cover their fashion week here, so I'm hoping to write some articles for a few magazines out of that. Yeah free tickets! I'm really looking forward to that, coming up in March. Runway shows, interesting guest speakers at marketing events...the best will be a Marketing Breakfast where the worldwide head of Saatchi and Saatchi is giving a talk about the upcoming marketing trends for 2009 as they relate to the global financial crisis. I'm hoping I can write some articles for a few media outlets about that. Also this dance thing is probably happening soon. The studio is getting set up, so as soon as it's ready I can start teaching. Now to learn how to teach dance....

I'm sure you've heard about the bushfires going on in Australia. They are terrible, really tragic. We're far enough away that it hasn't affected us personally, but it has destroyed a lot of the surrounding area to Melbourne. It's really sad how many people how been injured or killed. Australians have really come together though and there are huge fund raisers happening already to raise money for people who were affected.

It's sunny and warm here, so I'm going to go do some writing outside. I have to say though that Rob and I loved being in winter in Maryland a few weeks ago. There is something about the smell of winter, and being warm inside that is so magical. So enjoy it.


A map of Australia

A map of Australia
So you can see where we are (bottom right)
